We love to see our members recognized on a national level for implementing innovative parking, transportation, and mobility solutions. A recent issue of the International Parking & Mobility Institute’s The Parking Professional featured both the University of Texas at Arlington and Texas A&M University and the ways that these two institutions are implementing unique solutions in their parking and transportation programs.

The article “All Aboard” highlights how the University of Texas at Arlington developed a plan to address mobility challenges on its campus and revive its transportation system via a public-private partnership. This plan included reallocating financial resources, enhanced technology solutions, improving equipment, expanding service, and increasing customer service efforts.

The article “Making the Numbers Work” discusses the efforts of the Texas A&M University transportation services team to develop and implement a sound, long-term financial strategy. These efforts have made it possible for the University to implement new processes, infrastructure, and technological innovations.

TPTA members are on the cutting edge of leading our industry into the future. We are always thrilled to see their efforts showcased! Be sure to read these two great articles!
